Bookly is a web application that brings together the stories & the people you love! When you join bookly you can organize a virtual bookclub for you and your friends. Bookly was my final project for the Ironhack bootcamp, out of 17 projects it was chosen as a finalist for my cohorts hackathon.
Technologies: ReactJS, Javascript, MongoDB, ExpressJS, NodeJS, SCSS, Client side rendering.
Stay in a Castle is a web application that finds and organizes castle hotels you can book around Europe. Users are able sign up, search different countries and be re-routed for castle booking. Each castle hotel also has its own details page with a description and google maps view.
Technologies: ExpressJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, Javascript, Handlebars, GoogleMapsAPI.
Awesome Trivia is a game similar to a pub quiz designed to be played in the web browser. Players must answer 10 questions out of 5 different categories. At the end you find out your score and are able to play again.
Technologies: Javascript, HTML, CSS.
Hello! I'm Issa Gruber, a full-stack developer based in Amsterdam. I'm orginally from the beautiful state of Colorado but moved to San Francisco, California right after I graduated college. Most recently I spent 5 years working at Uber as a Technical Recruiter. After nearly 10 years hiring software developers I realized I wanted to be the one on the ground creating amazing things! I enrolled in a fulltime engineering program at Ironhack-Amsterdam and I can say it's been the best decision I've made. I love being challenged and getting the chance to build new things daily.
Technologies I've Worked With: Javascript, ReactJS, HTML5, CSS, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB, Bootstrap, Handlebars, Git, Github.
In my free time you can find me at the pilates studio, planning my next trip, baking chocolate chip cookies or reading a good book. Lover of all things Fantasy and Sci-Fi!
If you're looking for your next read scroll below for some books I loved this year: